Sunday, July 24, 2016

Week One EOC: Best and Worst Jobs

I've only had two jobs so far. The first one I was a sales associate at Anthropologie. I absolutely loved working there. My co-workers were so kind and the customers were amazing. The location I was at did not have a huge amount of tourists but had more locals. The relationship between the customers and the associates was great. It made me want to go to work everyday in order to catch up with a customer that I hadn’t seen in a while. It also was fun because sometimes the managers would have the workers dress in clothes from the store and take pictures for the store’s Instagram. Being a fashion student, I absolutely loved this. The managers at the store were also amazing in teaching me what I needed to know and were willing to work around my school schedule. “Team members feel a closer connection to their coworkers, managers, the operation, and its goals. Teamwork also reinforces the contributions each member makes to the establishment”( Human Resources, Quality Service & Training, Hospitality & Restaurant Marketing, 327). All of the workers in the store were close to each other and it overall was a great experience. My second job however is a different story. For my job now, its not that the work I have to do is bad but rather the people I work with. No one is close to one another. This makes me not want to go to work. The girls at the store I am at now have no desire to be friends with anyone else that works at the store. This makes the job terrible. I think that a job classifies as horrible or the worst when the work environment is unpleasant. The managers are fine at my current job its just the employees that aren’t managers that make the environment unpleasant.

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